Where do i fit in Animation

After being here for 4 months, learning, experiencing and researching i have come to see just how broad the Animation Indusrty is. Although i had an undertsanding of how the animtion indusrty works, i had never thought about how i am going to pick myself up and drop myself in thr right situations to find a job. Of course it had crossed my mind every now and then but i have been focusing on how to imrpove myself, my skills, how to develope my own style, how to fugure out where exatcly i belong..
My understanding on the animation Industry so far is growing and trhrough critical studies i have come to understand certain animators work, and just how broad animation styke and genre can be. I also did have a wide undertsanding aboout Auteurs. It's imspiring to to learn where your idols had come from and how they had fought through the animation indusrty to come out as proud animators that can stand and say "this is my creation".
As for me i think i am still figuring our where i fit in, at first i wanted to work with 3D but after working with stop motion and such i am really intruiged by all types of animation and i hope that bu the end of the three years i will find exactly where i should be with animation.

I am thankful foir the Cutiss Jobling seminar as it motivated me to find my part in animation and  work on ways of imprioving myself everyday, whether it be on colouringm shading, drawing, character designing, i need to work on a portfolio that stands as my strongest pont in finding a job in the industry. I am currently trying to learn many typesof software, animation and ullstration to bring my skills forward in this fast moving world of technology.

I am always looing on improving in these areas
  • Creativity and imagination
  • Patience and attention to detail
  • Drawing skills
  • Computer literacy and familiarity with graphics software
  • Communication and presentation skills
  • Ability to meet deadlines and work as part of a team

Visiting many animation events is also very important, in and outside of Birmingham

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