Critical Studies : 400 Words on Anime Genre

For my 400 word review, I will be focusing on anime.Anime began at the start of the 20th century, when Japanese filmmakers experimented with the animation techniques also pioneered in many countries such as France and Germany. 
Many commentators refer to anime as an art form. As a visual medium, it can emphasize visual styles. The styles can vary from artist to artist or from studio to studio. Some titles make extensive use of common stylization. “FLCL” for example, has a reputation for wild, exaggerated stylization, where as other titles use different methods, “Only Yesterday” take much more realistic approaches, featuring few stylistic exaggerations and Pokemon uses drawings which specifically do not distinguish the nationality of characters. 
Although anime is distinguished and known as a style that is recognised by many, different artists have their own artistic styles. Many anime have a very different art style from what would commonly be called “anime style”, yet fans still use the word “anime” to refer to these titles. 
I have chosen to review anime simply because of personal preference; I think the exaggerated art styles and dramatically shaped speech bubbles used in most anime for humorous effect give so much energy to the characters. The animators give these characters these loveable characteristics that fill you with a flow of energy, the exaggerated facial expressions really take you somewhere else! I think its these exaggerated expressions that bring the audience closer with the character, it’s almost like anticipation, you wait for this character to do something silly and you want to see their sorrowful face “the eyes become unimaginably big and the body becomes smaller, it really adds humor, making you wait for these expressions. They become the characters personality. Anime such as “Kaichou wa maid Sama” is a perfect example of this.
Another thing I love about anime is the lighting, it can be very clever. Sometimes the tones used can be so beautiful and shiny they make you feel that although the streets of Japan obviously do not look like this, it’s intriguing how you can be sucked in to the atmosphere, the colours are usually warm and give you a comfort feeling, on the another hand many anime have very graphical atmospheres that can be very strong and grungy looking, although this is not my preferred type, it is really art when you pay attention to detail.
I think it will be good for analysis because it is a strong genre and there are many aspects of anime to evaluate, I think it will be fun to research further in to anime and learn how the process of turning manga in to anime all comes together.

references i looked at "Anime: The Arts but iminds.

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