Monday 27 February 2012

Stikfas group work / Walking a dog

This is the walk cycle i did before working on our final piece. it was a quick practice to get the gist of it, but it is deffinetley not as easy as i thought it would be! when you start to think of He looks like he’s sliding across teh floor rather than walking. i learnt a lot from this test and understood the structure of it, also i think i needed more frames for it to run smoother.
(this is a gif file, if you drag it to a new tab, it should work.)

Final video 

I’m pleased with the final outcome, but there are many areas we could improve on. i think the part where he turns around to look at the dog needs to be a little longer or maybe a little more egaturated because its not very noticable. Also the right side of the screen hasnt beem used and so making the set look empty, if teh man could have walked a little longer or fallen forwards instead then it would have showed good use of space. Another aspect to point out is that the dog shoul have been our of plastercine, because being made with white tack, even though it has wire inside, it still kept falling over, it was very fiddly to work with.

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